Why Conserve?

One of the most important aspects of our nation is our LAND. Our beautiful farms, open spaces, and natural resources help define our “quality of life”. However, we are losing many farms to ill-planned development and losing our rural culture fast. Increasingly there are just too many houses springing up along every country road. Ever Green Team works with landowners to place conservation easements or deed restrictions on their land, thereby the landowners are protecting their land, benefiting financially, enhancing the community as a whole, and helping the environment. Conservation easements are a win-win for the landowner and the community.


Conservation measures are common around our country but still slowly building momentum in more rural regions thanks to new efforts in landowner education and awareness. Basically, conservation easements and deed restrictions are a protection that a landowner places on their property to limit future development and subdivision. Each conservation easement is unique and reflects the good stewardship of each landowner, but all easements and deed restrictions have in common that they protect the land you love and preserve family farms, wildlife habitat, streams, open spaces, woodlands and scenic views. Conservation easements help the landowner leave a legacy of good stewardship to their family and to the community, and also landowners may realize a significant financial compensation for an easement through tax deductions and/or tax credit sales. Ever Green often sees that after protecting one farm, other nearby farms sign up for conservation easements also because they hear about the benefits, and this leads to the protection of larger blocks of landscape in the community.


Be a part of our success

You can help us by making a donation, volunteering your time or allowing us to help you enroll your land into a conservation easement. If you share our vision of beautiful rural landscapes and want to grow with us, please contact us to discover how you can help us achieve our goal of protecting land for future generations.

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