Ever Green

A Leader In Conservation

Ever Green is a non-profit land trust that holds and monitors conservation easements in perpetuity. We have a true respect for our military, and we work with the Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation to protect the military mission by conserving lands around bases to help safeguard training through the Army Compatible Use Buffers. Ever Green also takes great pride in hosting veteran outdoor activities to include fishing, hunting, and camping. Besides the close connection to the military and veterans, Ever Green promotes environmental education through scholarships and helping introduce youth to the great outdoors.

1 Our Goals

Ever Green’s goal is to educate landowners, hold conservation easements, and conduct environmental projects and initiatives. We aim to protect our country’s rural heritage by conserving as much large areas of undeveloped land as we can so that agriculture, forests, and open lands will always be a vital part of our Nation’s landscape.


2 Our Vision

Our nation is losing many farms and open spaces to increases in population and sprawl at an alarming rate. Put simply, many regions are losing their rural culture fast to unplanned development. Ever Green envisions a nation that protects its natural resources, helps its farmers and rural population, and concentrates most growth near its vibrant urban centers through well-planned, managed development. Ever Green believes in promoting the Triple Bottom Line so that People, the Economy, and the Environment all prosper. Knowledgeable people in a strong economy will be in the best position to help the environment.

Ever Green Team believes that conservation easements are the best land protection tool available to landowners to permanently protect their land while still retaining ownership. Conservation easements are not for everyone, but in many cases they are a win-win situation for the landowner and the community. They help the landowner leave a legacy of good stewardship to his/her family and to the community, and also landowners may realize a significant financial compensation for their easement.

3 The Future

Ever Green will continue to “Hold” conservation easements and be a champion in the conservation field. We will always adapt in the future as the environment changes and laws evolve. Ever Green Team will continue to practice Cooperative Conservation by teaming with a multitude of partners to include communities, governments, companies, and other environmental non-profit organizations. We will continue to ramp up our conservation education program, help military veterans, and promote easements among landowners. And once a landowner completes a conservation easement, Ever Green will build a positive long-term partnership with the landowner to steward the easement in perpetuity.


Be a part of our success

You can help us by making a donation, volunteering your time or allowing us to help you enroll your land into a conservation easement. If you share our vision of beautiful rural landscapes and want to grow with us, please contact us to discover how you can help us achieve our goal of protecting land for future generations.

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