Keeping the Country, “Country”!
Ever Green Team, also known as “Ever Green” is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit environmental organization incorporated in November 2012. Ever Green was initially formed because there was a great need in Southern Virginia for a private land trust and a holder for conservation easements. Ever Green filled that void and more; from its inception Ever Green has grown to be a leader in conservation. We hold over 200 conservation easements and have protected over 40,000-acres! We also manage innovative environmental projects such as mitigation projects, help protect our Nation’s military mission, and lead veteran and youth outreach adventures.
Be a part of our success
You can help us by making a donation, volunteering your time or allowing us to help you enroll your land into a conservation easement. If you share our vision of beautiful rural landscapes and want to grow with us, please contact us to discover how you can help us achieve our goal of protecting land for future generations.